2014년 6월 19일 목요일

my final challenge

Based on Scenario #1, I introduced Quizlet app first, and then added my opinion
 y videos are too long~ so i split them .. i emailed it and i shared them with you on google drive just in case it doesn't work well. I was happy to take this clsss. Thank you very much.      


my final challenge

Based on Scenario #1, I introduced Quizlet app first, and then added my opinion
 y videos are too long~ so i split them .. i emailed it and i shared them with you on google drive just in case it doesn't work well. I was happy to take this clsss. Thank you very much.        




2014년 6월 9일 월요일

English central

English central

I strongly recommend this web programs.
There are bunch of videos not only stories also any types of video.
This is really helpful for teaching phonics as well.
You can study listening and speaking with interest through videos.

Just following what they say. you can check sounds seperately

reading opinion

What are five phonics problems for teaching ESL?

Phonics involves the relationship between sounds and their spellings. The goal of phonics is to teach students the most common sound-spelling relationships so that they can decode, or sound out, words. This is very important. because these strategies include using a knowledge of sound-spelling relationships.

By the way, There are some problems when teacher teach phonics in ESL.There are some solutions which can solve the problems.at first, Placing"pronunciation charts" is helpful. So I can point to the correct sounds while students speak for making them mindful of their pronunciation.korean alphabet and English alphabet are totally different. Student should learn different sound chart except korean sound. One of the things that students find difficult is listening to English, The blurry have word boundaries and a lack of understanding about the values especially vowel sounds.Teacher should let student to be aware of difference of sounds. and practice.Example activities which can be used to make students aware of the differences are listen and repeat: the teacher says the two words together and has the class repeat, and listen and circle/ write: the teacher says a word and the students either choose the correct word from a minimal pair provided or write the word they hear.So. In my opinion, charts are really helpful. they can make sound of word through following the sound that are pointed on the chart. It also help student to distinguish what correct sound is . 

Second, English Central can be an excellent resource for solo accent reduction, as well as listening practice, because you can watch the videos with or without transcripts. There are videos which students can listen to and repeat, and have their pronunciation graded syllable by syllable.
Students are confused and complicated what the process of making sound is. So it is very helpful because they can learn individual syllable.  Each syllable they record is marked red, yellow, or green and they can click on any syllable to hear it isolated and get more pronunciation help.

artical from http://jenniferteacher.hubpages.com/hub/Five-Phonic-Problems-With-Teaching-ESL